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$3,700 approved for Ultimate Frisbee Championship[https://poly.rpi.edu/news/2019/04/3700-approved-for-ultimate-frisbee-championship/]
$3,700 approved for Ultimate Frisbee Championship[https://poly.rpi.edu/news/2019/04/3700-approved-for-ultimate-frisbee-championship/]
The Rensselaer Bulletin: November 1973 page 11[https://digitalassets.archives.rpi.edu/do/70f252b9-7ff0-4bce-b7e6-b4f01ee61687#page/35/mode/2up/search/ultimate+frisbee]
The Rensselaer Bulletin: November 1973 page 11[https://digitalassets.archives.rpi.edu/do/70f252b9-7ff0-4bce-b7e6-b4f01ee61687#page/35/mode/2up/search/ultimate+frisbee]

Revision as of 19:38, 4 October 2024


The ultimate frisbee program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is a program that competes in D-III College Ultimate under the USA Ultimate governing body. They compete in the Hudson Valley section which is a part of the Metro East region of USA Ultimate. The men’s team is known as Trudge with the women's team being known today as Strut


The ultimate club was founded at RPI in 1972 by …. [1]… Was one of the original creators of the sport at Colombia High School and brought it to RPI upon graduating from there. They competed at the very first college ultimate tournament, the National Collegiate Championships, held in 1975 at Yale University. They placed second to Rutgers, losing 28-24. Ultimate continued to thrive at RPI for years to come, consisting of just a men's team until the women’s team, Wanda, was founded in 1996. The women who wanted to play ultimate before then simply played with the men's team

Ultimate Team 70s.jpg

A photo of the Ultimate Team at RPI during the 1970s

The men’s team found a lot of success in the late 2000s to early 2010s, qualifying for nationals 5 times over the course of 6 years between 2007 and 2012. The best they finished during this period was 7th in 2007.

The Women’s team has had more success recently, qualifying for nationals most recently in 2019[2]


The ultimate program at RPI has historically been a very active community on campus with a vast network of alumni who support the team and still return for alumni weekend activities every year.

Alumni Weekend 2024.jpg

A photo of the current team and alumni at the bicentennial alumni weekend in 2024


Today the team doesn’t see as much success as it used to and is mainly focused on coming back after being suspended for 2 years between spring of 2020 and spring of 2022. Specifically the women’s team dissolved during that time and started competing again on their own during the 2024 season. With the few women before that competing on the men’s team


$3,700 approved for Ultimate Frisbee Championship[3]

The Rensselaer Bulletin: November 1973 page 11[4]