Howard P. Isermann

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Howard Isermann was a chemical engineering major and graduated with the class of 1942 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. After which he joined Van Dyk & Co.


Howard Isermann

Career and Research[edit]

During his tenure at Van Dyke & Co, he developed the ultraviolet absorber that has been the most effective and leading sunscreen worldwide. This led to not only the prevention of sunburn but also has contributed to significant progress in skin cancer prevention.

His research continued as he became active in fragrance research organizations; he founded Novarome Inc. in 1980, a manufacturer of fragrance compounds used in soaps and perfumes. He was also a member of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists. The Howard Isermaann Isermann Award is given to the best manuscript submitted during the year on any aspect of cosmetic science related to sunscreen at the annual meeting of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists.

He was a past trustee of the Newark Beth Israel Medical Center, the United Way, Sarasota Memorial Foundation Health Care, the New College Foundation, the fund-raising arm of the New College of the University of South Florida, and the Sarasota Opera.

RPI and Isermann[edit]

One of RPI's Department of Engineering was named after him as The Howard P. Isermann Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering in 1989 for his commitment to Chemical Engineering at Rensselaer and as a chair of the Chemical Engineering Advisory Council and generous benefactor of fellowships and professorships.

He joined Rensselaer's board of trustees in 1986. He won the alums' Distinguished Service Award in 1994. Isermann was formally inducted into the Rensselaer Alumni Hall of Fame during a ceremony on campus on September 19th, 2003. The Rensselaer Alumni Association established this Hall of Fame in 1995 to preserve and celebrate the long and exceptional heritage of Rensselaer's distinguished graduates.

Present Day[edit]

After his passing in 2017, his family continued their altruism with the Isermann Family Foundation- a non-profit organization. To date, Mr. Isermaaann is survived by his wife, Betty Isermann, son, Michael Iserman,n and daughter Joan Williams Hoover.
