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Rensselear Polytechnic Institute

Notable Alumni

Nancy S. Mueller

Howard P. Isermann

Keith A. Raniere

Sports Programs

RPI Lacrosse & the Olympics

History and Traditions of RPI

RPI Traditions - The Cane Rush

Grand Marshal (GM) Week

RPI's Save the Union Protest

Buildings and Architecture

Residential Halls

Lally Hall

Burdett Avenue Residence Hall

Greene Building

Academic Buildings

Jonsson Engineering Center

Voorhees Computing Center (VCC)

Materials Research Center (MRC)

Other Buildings and Laboratories

Darrin Fresh Water Institute

AiMOS (Supercomputer at RPI)

RPI Playhouse


Other Notable Information

The RPI Poly


The Postcards of RPI

Troy, New York

Flora, Fauna, and Geography

Birds of Troy

Large Bodied Mammals of Troy

Small Bodied Mammals of Troy

Fish Species of Troy

Insect Species of Troy

Plant life of Troy

Natural Geography of Troy

History of Troy

Pre-Historical Troy

Pre-Colonial Peoples

Dutch Colonialism

English Colonialism

Revolutionary War

Post-Revolutionary Period

Civil War Troy

Troy and the Industrial Revolution

Anti-Rent War

Troy and the First World War

Troy and the Second World War

Troy in the Cold War

Troy in the Modern Era

RPI Becomes Co-Ed

Notable Features

St. Joseph's Church & the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet

Neighborhoods of Troy

Troy Orphan Asylum

American Theatre

Waters Balch & Co Paper Boats

The Detachable Shirt Collar

Other Notable Cities in the Area

Albany, New York

The Great Fire of 1862

Schenectady, New York

Saratoga Springs, New York

Peppermint Pig